Website Maintenance Services

Do you need maintenance and support for your non-profit organisation website?

How much time do you spend thinking about the maintenance of your charity website? Numerous charitable organisations will spend hundreds of hours redesigning their website.

However, once your website is up, the actual job starts. You must maintain your site current, safe, and stable in order to ensure that it remains relevant to your visitors, is not out of date, is not hacked, and does not fall down abruptly.

The following advice will walk you through the process of maintaining and updating a nonprofit website:

  • 01 What is website maintenance for nonprofits?
  • 02 Is everything operational?
  • 03 Is the information you've provided up to date and accurate?
  • 04 Are your visual elements displaying properly?
  • 05 Is your website secure?
  • 06 Best practises in maintenance.
  • 07 Do you need assistance in optimising your website?
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with our Non-Profit Organisation Website Maintenance service
Website Maintenance Company

What is website maintenance for nonprofits?

Owning a website is comparable to owning a vehicle in that it need regular and preventative maintenance to be secure, dependable, and stable. All public and popular open source content management systems, such as WordPress or Drupal, have recurrent security flaws and vulnerabilities, and are always on the lookout for exploits.

When WordPress core or a plugin requires a patch – regardless of whether the patch is for increased security, compatibility, or functionality - WordPress notifies all administrators through the administrator interface.

If plugin updates are not performed on a timely basis, your site may be hacked or become inoperable.

While you can update plugins and WordPress versions yourself — just as many people replace their own oil, headlights, and so on — there are occasions when the peace of mind of having an experienced specialist execute such changes is worth it.

However, maintenance is not limited to code upgrades. It is critical to maintain an up-to-date website with correct information, content, images, and functionality.

Why is website maintenance critical to its health?

Simply said, doing routine maintenance is much simpler and less stressful than dealing with outages, site slowness, hacking, or site faults. Maintaining an updated website is critical for a variety of reasons:



When updating your website, you should always use the most current version to prevent compatibility concerns. These changes will guarantee that your website remains reliable and is using the most up-to-date code possible. If your website is operating on outdated code, it may begin to perform slower, have more server outages, and perhaps crash on a regular basis.



As noted before, security is the primary reason for keeping your site updated. If a plugin has a vulnerability, you expose the whole contents of your website to prospective hackers. If your database contains any sensitive information, this might be a significant problem and create worry for your firm.



Website maintenance is about more than security and stability; it's also about giving accurate and timely information. If your website content is out of current and does not reflect your organization's dynamic activities, visitors and funders will likely be turned off.



Keeping your website updated on a regular basis ensures that it is more dependable for your visitors. Proactively manage maintenance to avoid unplanned interruptions.

Is everything operational?

Many firms will test their whole website once after launch and expect it will function in perpetuity.

Code is continually changing across all platforms due to ongoing development additions, plugin upgrades, and even platform changes to employ more dependable code.

It's critical to monitor your website on a frequent basis and verify that everything is running correctly, particularly after updates.

We always suggest doing a check on your critical functions, such as contribution forms, menus, videos, search, and other interactive elements.

This sort of assessment may be carried out manually by visually inspecting the website, or automated using unit tests and other testing tools. We recommend using the platforms to develop automated testing for your website.


Forms for donations and registration

Forms are critical to the operation of your website. If users are unable to contact you or make a donation, you will lose key supporters.

We can test all forms on the website on a regular basis to verify that:

  • The forms are shown accurately.
  • It is possible to submit information. All alerts and confirmations function normally.
  • All connections with third-party CRMs are functioning properly.
  • Menus and hypertext connections

While it's often obvious when a menu isn't operating properly, it's more difficult to determine whether links on menus and elsewhere on the site are broken.

As a site develops and changes, the content on it will also expand and evolve. Frequently, links and pages need to be updated or deleted if they are no longer relevant to your site. When you delete a page from your site, you may see a 404 error.

404 pages are detrimental to SEO since they indicate to search engines that your site is no longer being updated.


Videos and other forms of interactivity

Interactive aspects of a website, such as video hero images, animations, maps, and online forums, are frequently broken during maintenance changes. Additionally, what makes these characteristics problematic is that they are often simple to overlook when they fail.

Establishing a regular routine for checking its functionality is critical. We create automated unit tests to verify that critical functionality is always available.

This also applies to third-party applications, such as Google Maps. Google recently implemented a modification that requires users to have a payment card on file in order for maps to appear properly. If you have not updated your payment information with Google, a warning will appear on your map.

Is your information current and accurate?

While the website may operate flawlessly, if the content is out of current, donors and supporters will be less inclined to connect with you and your website. Donors anticipate seeing the most recent information in the following areas:


Status and Impact of the Project

The most critical factor for every donation is if your efforts are having an effect. Your content should demonstrate to the donor what you are doing with their money and the effect it is having.

You may use your website to deliver frequent updates on important initiatives and projects. This does not have to be extensive; often just a phrase or two describing the status of a project may go a long way toward ensuring that donors understand how their money is being used.


Tax status and 990 forms

Tax information, which is sometimes overlooked, is critical for every nonprofit organisation. This is often the first page that funders, foundations, and grant seekers see on a website. Delays in sending this information to funders might also have an effect on the organization's perceived professionalism and trustworthiness.

Given the unpredictable nature of tax information, it's often a good idea to publish updates on your 990 website informing supporters when the next form will be available. This level of openness may be really beneficial.


Information about how to contact us

We've all encountered the tedious job of seeking to locate contact information on a website but being unable to do so.

Every website should have an easy-to-follow mechanism for contacting the organisation. This should contain not simply a contact form, but also an address and phone number.

If you have many locations, include all of them. If you have many staff members that handle incoming requests, ensure that each of them is represented.


Volunteer opportunities and events

Visiting a website that has out-of-date events is infuriating and undermines your trust in the organization's efforts. Maintaining an up-to-date website with information about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and other pertinent content demonstrates to donors that you are competent and trustworthy.

Are your visual elements displaying properly?

This is often the simplest item to verify: is everything showing properly?


Consistent branding

When numerous individuals collaborate on a website, it's likely that the branding may veer away from your established brand.

When developing your website, we can include safeguards to prevent other administrators from deviating from the brand. You may choose colours and fonts, limiting others on your team to those options.

If this is not practicable, establish a rigorous review procedure for all new pages prior to their publication.



As long as you're embedding films from a third-party site such as YouTube or Vimeo, you shouldn't have too many problems. However, we regularly verify to guarantee that all videos remain live. Additionally, YouTube embed code may have preset dimensions, which may produce an unsatisfactory experience for mobile users.



It's challenging to create visuals for the new web. Visitors to your site may be using a seemingly limitless variety of screen sizes, making it challenging to locate images that look excellent on all devices.

Adding images to your website is very dependent on the way your theme is constructed. While you should discuss your unique image needs with your engineers, we often suggest choosing images with the main point in the image's centre, or middle. If the picture is subsequently cropped or resized to fit the screen, people will still be able to perceive the image's focus.

Additionally, you want to make certain that each picture contributes to your visual identity.

Is your site secure?

As previously said, security is the primary concern when it comes to website maintenance. If your website is susceptible, you risk hackers gaining access to your customer and donor data.


SSL certificates for HTTP

Although this is standard nowadays, all websites should have a security certificate. Additionally, your website should enforce SSL, preventing users from accessing the insecure version.

HTTPS is an encryption protocol that establishes a secure connection between the browsers of your site visitors and your web server. This little modification to your website makes it more difficult for hackers to eavesdrop on your connection.

Almost all current servers provide a free SSL certificate, generally with a single click. We suggest that you use the Really Simple SSL plugin to enforce SSL. This fantastic plugin does many easy tasks, including the following:

  • Verifies the presence of an SSL certificate
  • Configures WordPress so that all URLs begin with https
  • Converts HTTP to HTTPs
  • Detects and attempts to repair URLs in your content that are still loaded from insecure HTTP sources.
  • Other techniques of ensuring SSL through code exist, but these need developer expertise.


Securing the hosting environment

As previously stated, the majority of current hosting platforms provide a free SSL certificate as part of their hosting costs. This is often as easy as pressing a button.

Our support packages include the following:

  • WordPress and its plugins are updated on a regular basis.
  • Offsite backups on a daily basis
  • Monitoring of availability and security
  • Visual comparison tool to guarantee that modifications do not impair your site's presentation.
  • Reduced development costs
  • And, maybe most importantly, you receive Fast Tasks, which enable you to communicate with your our team about any troubles you're having. We can fix minor problems and issues on your site, as well as answer your questions, provide content, and act as a resource for your staff.

Maintain a regular checklist and plan for monitoring these items

If you are doing maintenance on our behalf, we create following plan.

  • Make a comprehensive checklist of everything that needs to be checked on your site. This includes not just the frontend parts that you want to check are operating and showing appropriately, but also the backend operations that allow you to continue editing.
  • Include SEO, Accessibility, Performance Scan, and Mobile Responsiveness in your checklists. It is fairly unusual for a tiny alteration to have an unintended effect on these regions.
  • Have a system in place for notifying your webmaster of any serious faults.
  • A website bug is really stressful. We instantly begin attempting to solve it with everything we can think of, but in fact, all that is required is a plan with a designated person who can fix it.
  • We ascertain that you understand what should occur if you discover a significant problem on the site. Is it necessary to contact your web developer – even if it is after business hours – or is it sufficient to register a ticket in a support system?
  • Whichever strategy you use, we ensure that everyone understands the process and the associated expectations.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for case the site goes down.
  • Websites fall down on a regular basis. This is a terrifying reality of the internet, but be assured that downtime can be resolved. And, with the proper technique, downtime may be resolved with the least amount of stress possible!

Step 1 Describe your free time

Possible causes of your website's demise

Are you receiving an error message when your homepage should be displayed? Is there no mistake at all, just a blank white page filled with nothingness? Have you made any recent changes to a configuration or plugin that may have contributed to this downtime? Here are the possible reasons:

  • There might be an issue with the servers that host your website.
  • Server difficulties might be momentary and brief, needing just a brief restart to restore normal operation.
  • There might be a serious problem with your hosts' servers. This would result in a lengthy period of outage for not just your site, but possibly many others.
  • Something on your site might be the source of the outage. If you have a resource-intensive plugin, for example, heavy traffic may result in downtime if your server is unable to handle the level of activity.
  • A seemingly innocuous configuration change or plugin update might have a huge effect on your site in unexpected ways. Disabling a plugin that is critical to your site's functioning, for example, might result in error messages.

Our initial objective is to ensure that you can clearly communicate what is occurring. Even better, we can test your site on a few different devices and networks (and enlist the assistance of a buddy or two!). This enables you to rule out a network-related problem.

Several of these problems are simply rectified by us when they are correctly recognised. Others may need further time and troubleshooting before issues may be fixed completely. As previously said, websites fall down for a variety of causes, both little and major. If you observe that your website is often down, take note of trends and report these concerns to our technical support or hosting provider.

Step 2 State the situation's urgency

While it may seem as if downtime should always be an emergency, when dealing with a technical support contact who sees websites go down for a variety of reasons, it's beneficial to (calmly and nicely!) express how critical your downtime is to you.

Occasionally, your complaint of downtime is merely added to a list of other afflicted sites; however, depending on the circumstances, you may be able to request priority treatment and advance your report to the top of a support queue.

Step 3 Maintain communication

While there is often little that can be done while your site is down, you will almost certainly need to interact with your supporters and stakeholders to let them know how you are resolving your outage.

Create a communications strategy outlining who should be notified about website crises, including a list of support contacts and backup team members who can assist if others are unavailable. Even a one-page summary of your approach will serve to us as a useful reference in an emergency.

It's often difficult to specify a precise timeframe for when everything will be corrected. At the very least, establish (and adhere to) a schedule for communicating status updates to your team.

Do not be concerned if you want to contact tech help again from us. Even if they do not have many further information to provide, it is prudent to verify.

Do you need assistance? Consider our several support services to assist you in keeping your website current and working properly.

Prepare for the degree of site traffic that you anticipate

Nonprofits may not often get a significant volume of site traffic, but if they do, you know that high traffic and a large number of site visitors can be both joyful and worrisome.

Here are a few items that we check immediately:

  • Does your web host dynamically scale its resources in response to traffic?
  • Do you have a customer relationship management system (CRM) that can handle traffic spikes?
  • Are you maximising the effectiveness of your Content Delivery Network?
  • Is your website safe?
  • Is your content adequately cached?

Website maintenance is a significant task. With these recommendations, you can create the greatest experience possible for your fans and assist them in locating the information they want. Additionally, if you want assistance, we are always available.

Got a Non-Profit Organisation Website Maintenance project that you would like to discuss?

We will help you overcome your technology challenges. Let's have a chat!

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just a few words from our awesome clients

What people are saying!

Running a business through a website will not flourish in the long -term if there is no maintenance process. Indeed, websites need to be maintained for smooth functioning. This need brought me to MilePearl Technologies, who are professionals and hold expertise in their work. I hired them for maintaining my website and its functional process. They never gave me a reason to complain. I will recommend MilePearl Technologies to everyone.

Rahat Sheikh
Lucknow, India

Unfortunately, I started having issues with the functioning of my business website. This brought my entire online business to a halt. For this, I needed someone who could save me from getting ruined. It was MilePearl Technologies that came as a savior because their website maintenance activities enabled my website to run efficiently without any problem. They troubleshot issues and resolve them without any difficulty.

Vijeta Uniyal
Delhi, India

Security breach to a website can be really dangerous for its growth. In fact, I suffered a loss in business because of such a scenario. My business website was attacked by some viruses that were difficult for my in-house team to resolve. I hired MilePearl Technologies on the recommendation of my colleague. As they analyzed the situation after checking the website issue, I was amazed that the problems were resolved within much less time. Thanks, MilePearl Technologies.

Antonio Marcelle
Barcelona, Spain

I was tired of contacting the hosting provider for the issues related to my website and it was affecting the business as well. So, I hired MilePearl Technologies, who took the responsibility of maintaining my website and doing everything possible to make me stay in the business. Their professional attitude, timely work deliveries, and affordable pricing resolved my worries in one go.

Eliza Marconi
Scotland, United Kingdom

I was in dire need of someone who could make changes to my website as a part of the maintenance process and resolve some functional issues as well. Being in the business for two decades, I could not afford such issues for even a single day. in this matter, I hired MilePearl Technologies because I had heard from my friends that they are the best in terms of website maintenance. When they discussed the requirements with me and came out with brilliant results exceeding my expectations, I realized that my decision was absolutely correct. Great work MilePearl Technologies.

Rodger Hawks
Las Vegas, USA

I had got my website designed on the Magento platform at the start of the business. But, it was becoming difficult for my in-house staff to manage it efficiently. This made me hire MilePearl Technologies. Indeed, hiring them was a correct business decision as their qualitative website maintenance made me tense free and I could concentrate on other core aspects of business growth.

Mohammad Ansari
Johannesburg, South Africa

I was desperately looking for website maintenance services as I wanted my Joomla-based website to be changed and maintained for easy business over an online platform. My friend recommended me MilePearl Technologies as they were experts in this matter. I immediately hired them. On seeing their work efficiency, I could feel relaxed about website maintenance and the changes needed to be done by them. I knew that my online business was in the safe hands of MilePearl Technologies.

Daniel Lawrence
Vancouver, Canada

Website maintenance is an integral part of a successful online business. It is because the slightest of problem in its functionality can halt your business. So, I hired MilePearl Technologies for maintaining my website. Since then, I have never had any issues with my business website. They are quick to respond and expert enough to resolve issues without any difficulty.

Ansh Dhasmana
Dehradun, India

I was facing a lot of problems in my online business as the website was not working efficiently. Being a novice in website management, I hired MilePearl Technologies and all the worries were resolved. They were experts in website maintenance and various other services related to the website. After I hired them for maintaining my business website, I never faced issues in its functionality.

Soham Singhania
New Delhi, India

As my company's website was getting old-fashioned, I wanted a website maintenance professional that could transform it into something new and make it impressive. So, I hired MilePearl Technologies. They discussed my requirements and transformed my old website into an impressive business facet. It was really amazing. Thanks a lot, MilePearl Technologies.

Markus Achebe
Kenya, Africa

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